Kancelaria Leczykiewicz Surma Law Firm specializes in real estate law and, in this area, it offers its clients the following services:
- due diligence of a real estate property, legal assessment of risk connected with the purchase of a given real estate property,
- comprehensive legal advisory on real estate transactions, including drafting and assessing contracts, negotiations with business partners and contractors,
- comprehensive legal service of property development projects,
- legal support to foreigners purchasing real estate in Poland,
- conducting court cases on usucaption, dissolution of co-ownership, establishment of servitude.
LS law firm offers you a full scope of legal services connected with a construction process, both at the stage of design and implementation as well as at the stage of declaring the ready-to-use status and obtaining the occupancy permit.
Our offer includes in particular:
- representation in administrative proceedings to obtain a building permit, including any permits or consents necessary to receive the final building permit and occupancy permit,
- drafting and assessing contracts and agreements on implementation of an investment, including:
- general contractor agreement,
- agreements with subcontractors,
- contracts with the site manager and the investor supervision inspector,
- umowy z kierownikiem robót oraz inspektorem nadzoru inwestorskiego,
- drafting a contract with the designer.